(16:08:22) This is our Reality
Speaker [00:00:00] This is our reality. The question we're all grappling with is, when is enough enough? When does black stop being, stopped making us a target here?
Speaker [00:00:10] Because of the late 17 year old Trayvon Martin, I know that it is not safe to walk down the street with a pack of Skittles while being black.
Speaker [00:00:18] Because of Briona Taylor, I know that it is not safe to sleep in the comfort of my own home while being black.
Speaker [00:00:25] Because of Ahmaud Arbery. I know that it is not safe to jog while black in my own community without being seen as a criminal.
Speaker [00:00:34] Because of Sandra Bland, I know that it is not safe to drive and be pulled over while black. And therefore my anxiety shoots through the roof whenever I'm in the car and I'm afraid to be pulled over. It terrifies me.
Speaker [00:00:46] Because of George Floyd. I know that it is not enough to simply comply with the police while being black. He said, I can't breathe 16 times. And he cried for his dead mother and his words were still ignored.
Speaker [00:01:00] I don't feel safe being black in America. And that should never be the case because of those names and so many more. There needs to be a change. We need to start holding people in power accountable for what they do and what they say. How do we start?